
A combination of street fashion for people of all ages......YungTrapEse clothing will have you looking fresh in the hood and at casual events alike.

Our goal and our mission

Lived life to the fullest and always happy...

Always lived life to the fullest and forever laughing.....

Most who knew him can attest to the fact that he was always spreading happiness and love to everyone including strangers and friends......

Proud of his roots

Although he was a first generation American, he felt very proud about his roots and wasn't ashamed to show it.

He was about his business too....

Loyalty and Ambition.......

I appreciate all da love ya'll keep showing me...

Never did I imagine that almost three years of my passing to eternal heaven that all this love and support woud still be around. I can't thank you all enough for being there for my family, my brothers, sisters, Mom, and I can't forget Pops. Till we see each other again.......LEZ

very satisfied customers

These hoodies are very comfortable......i give them an A-1 rating


OMG, these shirts are so soft....I love them!!!!


Hardest Ese On Da Beat...!!!!!

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Kids Sizes In Stock

Kids sizes are also available so you can have your baby or your niece and nephew looking fresh.....!!!

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